Poor Economy Hurts Kids … Severely

A recently published study finds a startlingly clear correlation between (suspected) child abuse, and mortgage delinquencies and home foreclosures across the US.

From 2000 through 2009, (suspected) child abuse resulting in hospital admissions climbed three percent and, more specifically, traumatic brain injury spiked by five percent per year for each one percent rise in mortgage delinquencies of 90 days.

These statistics are based on local economic data reported in the community of each of the thirty-eight hospitals participating in the study.

This trend of increasing (suspected) child abuse follows more than a decade of diminishing child abuse. Arguably because of a vigorous economy in those years.

The head researcher confirms from her own practice that stress contributes to the incidence of child abuse.

With so many families under social / relationship distress as well as economic distress, the conclusion of the study is that parents who need help coping should ask for it … and should be able to find it right in their community.

Read more in this HealthDay article via MedlinePlus: Child Abuse Rises When Economy Sags: Study and this NBC News Vitals piece: Study links child abuse to home foreclosures.
