Parental Alienation. Syndrome. Or not.
Whether one accepts it as a legitimate diagnosis of a psychological condition or not, there can be little doubt that the term describes a pattern of behavior that some parents actively engage in.
Willfully or unwittingly.
To their children’s detriment.
Numerous organizations rally against it, including:
- A Family’s Heartbreak
- Hostile Aggressive Parenting
- Hugs to Heartbreak
- Keeping Families Connected
- Overcoming Parental Alienation
- Parental Alienation Awareness Organization
- Parental Alienation Awareness Organization – US
- Parental Alienation Canada
- Parental Alienation Hurts
- Solutions 4 PAS
- Split n Two
- Stop Parental Alienation
- The Rachel Foundation for Family Reintegration
Read more in this Tampa Bay Examiner article: Parental alienation information and support.