Mother Loses Her Children … But Regains Possession of Her Car

Florida Mother goes to a Social Security office with her four year old and her five year old.

While she is in the office, she apparently spots repossessors preparing to tow her car away.

Intending to save her car, Mother runs out of the Social Security office, after her car.

Mother makes it into her car and with one thing and another, is driving around in it for the better part of an hour.

When she eventually makes it back to the Social Security office to collect her kids, well, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) beat her to it.

Police arrest  Mother for child neglect and DCF takes her children into protective custody.

As if this isn’t enough for one day, law enforcement issues Mother a federal citation for causing a disturbance in a federal building.

Read more in this Miami Herald news article: Florida mom accused of abandoning 2 children to block car repossession .
