Mother Granted Parole Two and One-Half Years After Standing By While Boyfriend Brutally Abused Her Toddler Son

Mother has toddler Son.

Mother confessed to excessive physical punishment of Son. She also confessed to neglecting and failing to protect her Son.

While Mother’s Boyfriend apparently inflicted brain trauma, full body bruising and burns on Son.

Before leaving Son at a hospital. And then fleeing the state.

Mother and Boyfriend were both convicted and sentenced to prison, Boyfriend for 25.5 to 67 years on assault and other charges.

But Mother’s sentence was only for 2.5 to 7 years for child endangerment and witness tampering.

Mother testified against Boyfriend at his trial, asserting that Boyfriend also abused her.

The parole board has approved Mother’s parole in May upon completion of her minimum sentence.

Son currently lives with his grandmother and is reportedly doing well.

Read more in this Orlando Sentinel article: Mom who fled to Universal Orlando after tot’s beating gets parole
