Free Speech on, and Equal Access to the Internet is Slipping Away from Bloggers – and You

The battle to preserve internet and blogging freedom is still raging, but the scales are tipping toward the lobbyist-rich large media companies that want to control the internet, and by whom and for what it is used.

The Save the Internet campaign has made it incredibly easy to see where your very own senators standif they have chosen to let their constituents know where they stand.

For example, Florida’s Senator Bill Nelson supports internet freedom – and, as a result, those of us who bring you much wanted information through our blogging.

The Florida Divorce Law Blog commends and supports Senator Nelson’s support of Net Neutrality.

By contrast, Florida’s Senator Mel Martinez has not taken a public stand on Net Neutrality.

It’s July 28th. Time is running out on Free Speech on, and Equal Access to the Internet.

Do you know where your Senators stand?

You have a right to know. If you want to, just visit the graphical Save the Internet Map of US Senators.

If you don’t like what you learn about your senators’ positions on Net Neutrality = Internet Freedom, you can sign a petition and/or write to your senator(s) to let your senator(s) know how you feel – without even leaving your computer.

If you are a Floridian and support Florida blogs like this one, consider contacting Senator Martinez and urging him to join Senator Nelson in non-partisan support of both Florida’s Internet Coast and internet freedom throughout the US, on behalf of his individual and small business constituents throughout Florida.
