Tips for Helping Kids Get Through Divorce

Divorce is hard on the entire family. But kids are often stunned, confused and feel powerless.

How parents handle the divorce can make it relatively better or relatively worse for the kids.

Despite mandatory divorce parenting classes in many jurisdictions, many parents could do a better job ushering their kids through a divorce.

It is critical to convey to children that the divorce is not their fault.

It is also imperative that children feel loved by and free to love both parents. That means no putting down the other parent in front of the kids.

An alternative approach to educating parents is to educate children directly about divorce.

That is the approach adopted in a new children’s book that teaches children subtly, by engaging them in the story of a child going through a divorce. As the story’s main character learns about divorce, so does the child-reader – and maybe their parents.

Read more in this Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article: How to help kids cope with parents’ divorce and this PRWeb article: A Wise and Witty Children’s Book About Dealing With Divorce.
