Camp Doesn’t Have to Wait for Summer – If You’re a Divorcing Dad

Camp used to be a place for kids to have fun.

Then it became a place for kids to acquire new skills.

Then it became a place for adults to have fun.

Then it became a place for adults to acquire new skills.

Now it’s a place to help dads / husbands (and soon, it is promised, moms / wives) work through divorce issues – and have some fun – in a weekend retreat setting.

The retreat will focus on financial issues, legal issues and parenting and relationship issues.

The company behind this concept is based here in Southeast Florida, and its very first retreat will be held in more or less central Florida next month.

Maybe Kids Divorce Camp will follow next …

Read more in this eMediaWire press release: Daddy Divorce Camp Offers a Weekend Retreat in Central Florida for Men Who are Divorced or Going Through a Divorce and the Daddy Divorce Camp website.
