Canadian Family Court Judge Rules in Favor of Chinese Gangster’s Wife in Their Divorce

Married Chinese couple immigrate to Canada. Sort of.

Husband actually still spends most of his time in China. But Wife and Son live in Canada.

Husband is reportedly part of Chinese mob. Husband is incarcerated in China for what may be a very long time.

After about eleven years of marriage, Wife files for divorce in Canada.

Wife claims that Husband is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, although Husband claims the figure is “only” around thirty-five million. Close enough, apparently.

Wife seeks the marital residence, her car and back child and spousal support of approximately $900,000. Wife claims that her English is poor and she does not have marketable job skills.

Court apparently buys into Wife’s world view, due to what it characterizes as “exceptional” circumstances of the case.

Read more in this Vancouver Sun article: Jailed gangster was worth $400m: divorced wife.
