Wisconsin Police Officer Successfully Sued for Giving Victim’s Address to Abuser Subject to Injunction for Protection against Domestic Violence


Woman gets injunction for protection against domestic violence, or order of protection, against her ex-husband (Abuser).

Woman moves away to another city in the hopes of avoiding Abuser altogether.

Woman remarries and begins new life.

Abuser contacts police.

Abuser tells police that he has papers for Woman, but needs Woman’s address to get papers to her.

Police officer (Officer) locates Woman’s address in motor vehicle records …

Officer reportedly gives Woman’s address to Abuser.

Now armed with Woman’s address, Abuser allegedly sends Woman a note via a taxi to her home.

Abuser also allegedly makes threatening phone calls to Woman’s home.

All possible only because Officer gave out Woman’s address, to which Officer has access, for police business as a police officer, through motor vehicles records.

Woman and her husband sue Officer for allegedly handing Woman’s address over to Abuser.

Officer is found guilty of violating the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act.

Case is settled for $337,000, plus Woman’s attorney’s fees.

Officer is still on the police force.

But he was reprimanded for giving Woman’s address to Abuser, and possibly jeopardizing Woman’s life.


Read more in this [Janesville, WI] WCLO 1230AM news article: Lawsuit against Evansville police officer settled for $337,500.
