Repeat International Abductions Between France and Former Soviet Union … And Understanding Father Still Favors Timesharing for Mother Abroad

Russian Mother and French Father divorce in France, where they have been living.

French court awards custody of their then 1 year old Child to Father.

Mother returns to former Soviet Union.

Child is reportedly abducted back and forth multiple times over last two years since divorce, most recently allegedly by Mother, to former Soviet Union.

During a previous abduction, Child did not see Father for 10 months and knew Mother’s new partner as her father.

What of the future?

Father opposes sharing joint legal custody with Mother but is not opposed to Mother having two months’ (or even equal) timesharing with Child in the former Soviet Union … as long as the Child’s return to France is guaranteed, he has ongoing video and phone contact with Child while she is in the former Soviet Union and Child attends a French-speaking school.

Meanwhile, Mother is under arrest and being detained in Hungary for up to 40 days pending a request for extradition from France.

But Father does not want to see Mother jailed for kidnapping Child.

Read more in this [Russian] RIA Novosti article: French father dismisses joint custody, in favor of visitation.
