Florida’s New Post-Separation Co-Parenting Law

On October 1, Florida’s new law governing co-parenting after separation goes into effect. The new law represents a major rewrite.

At least as far as definitions and terminology. No longer will the terms custody or primary residential parent or similar terms be used.

Instead, Florida will join the ranks of states in which separating parents will have to adopt a parenting plan … a very, very detailed parenting plan … to conclude their family court cases.

The new statute’s sponsor is of the opinion that child custody battles were just about labels. So now, separating parents won’t have any reason to fight over child issues. Therefore, family court litigation will diminish.

The new statute’s sponsor also describes the new law as giving both parents “equal rights”.

Some are hailing the new law as a dramatic substantive change.

Others are saying “the more things change, the more they stay the same; a rose by any other name”.

Soon enough, time – and Florida’s court dockets – will tell.

Read more in this [Central Florida] Voice article: Victory for fathers’ rights in divorces.
