Domestic Violence Charge “Reduced” to Dinner and Bowling

Husband allegedly pushes Wife onto couch. And places his hands on her throat.

Husband also allegedly pulls his hand back aiming to deliver a blow … but doesn’t.

Husband is arrested on a misdemeanor domestic battery charge.

Husband is summoned before a Broward County, Florida criminal domestic violence judge for his so-called “first appearance”. Release on bond may be addressed at this brief hearing.

But in this particular case, the presiding criminal domestic violence judge reportedly goes a lot farther and all but tries this case on its merits. Finding that the alleged violence is “very minor” and concluding that Wife is not in danger … because Wife testifies – in her Husband’s presence – that “she [does] not fear for her life”.

Accordingly, the criminal domestic violence judge orders Husband to buy Wife flowers and a card, and then to take her out to dinner, followed by a game of bowling. The criminal domestic violence judge also orders marriage counseling.

It is not entirely clear whether Wife is under court order to accompany Husband to dinner and bowling, let alone marriage counseling.

The head of a leading nonprofit association serving victims of domestic violence has publicly condemned the unorthodox and controversial rulings by the criminal domestic violence judge.

One thing is certain: Every newly charged domestic violence defendant in Broward County will be asking their criminal domestic violence attorney if they can have their criminal domestic violence case before this criminal domestic violence judge. But, unfortunately for criminal domestic violence defendants, the answer is no.

