Missing TN Boys’ Custody May Be Shared By Father Accused of Murdering Mother’s Teenaged Boyfriend and Drunken Mother Who Gravitates Toward Boys

A Tennessee husband was just granted a divorce and shared custody of his kids under unusual circumstances. His wife was not present.

She, allegedly struggling with a drinking problem, had an affair with her 17 year old student, after having another affair with a woman. Her own family described her as “troubled”.

She would reportedly lock herself in her bathroom and drink, go into rages against her husband and even her children, eventually abusing one of her kids for revealing details of her affair.

The husband is charged with killing the teenager involved in the affair.

The wife is said to have absconded with their children months ago.

The Tennessee court has appointed an attorney ad litem and a guardian ad litem to search for and make recommendations for the best interests of the couple’s boys.

Every divorce is unique. And some are more complicated than others.

And some cases put judges in the unenviable position of having to make very difficult decisions.

Read more in these Knoxville News Sentinel articles: McLean granted divorce – Judge orders attorney to search for children of slaying suspect and Judge grants McLean divorce, orders search for children.
