Ohio Jail Sentence Motivates Deadbeat WPB Dad to Start Paying Back Child Support

A West Palm Beach father was taken to task in an Ohio court for attempted criminal nonsupport of his four children.

The man was extradited and jailed for an arrearage of approximately $61,000.

The man was convicted and sentenced to six months of confinement to be followed by 5 years of probation.

After being sentenced, the father somehow managed to come up with $25,000 toward his arrearage.

If he keeps up his payments, he will avoid more jail time.

In the words of the Ohio prosecutor assigned to the case “[h]e got the message” and began complying with the court’s orders to pay.

A most effective incentive, which struggling custodial parents all eventually come to hope for when their ex refuses to pay on an ongoing basis.

Read more in this Cleveland Plain Dealer article: Father of four coughs up past due child support.
