Mother Pleads for Hague Convention Countries to Make It Harder to Whisk Kids to Non-Hague Convention Countries

Last November, I posted about Canadian Kids Abducted to Lebanon By Way of Australia.

The mother eventually got her kids back, via unorthodox means that landed two men aiding her in jail temporarily. But both Canada and Lebanon now reportedly recognize that the mother has full legal custody of the kids.

Somehow, the mother was able to expend hundreds of thousands of dollars to recover her children from where they were allegedly abducted to in Lebanon. And the father now faces criminal charges in Canada.

But not all children have such a positive outcome when abducted from Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction – signatory countries to non-signatory countries.

The mother is now serving as a spokesperson for the Missing Children Society of Canada.

And her hard-learned message is:

stricter controls are needed in countries which are signatories to the Hague Convention, to prevent noncustodial parents from circumventing the Hague Convention by whisking children off to countries that are not signatories to the Hague Convention …

Because recovering children from countries that do not adhere to the Hague Convention is just plain dicey – at best.

Read more in this Toronto Star article: Mom says tough laws needed to stop child abductions.
