Daughter Found Safe Fourteen Years After Mother Allegedly Abducts Her From Father

Mother and Father divorce.

Father is awarded custody of Daughter.

Ninety percent of children abducted in California are the subject of a child custody dispute.

And so it was with eight year old Daughter, who went missing fourteen years ago.

Now twenty-two years old, Daughter has recently been found alive and well.

Mother has been arrested for kidnapping though.

This case stands out for its resolution so long after the abduction.

Only six percent of child abduction cases open more than six months are ever solved.

Mother and Daughter moved frequently throughout Daughter’s childhood after the abduction.

Daughter no longer lives with Mother.

Because Daughter is a legal adult, authorities will not provide Father with the name she goes by or her contact information.

Read more in this San Jose Mercury News article: Resurfacing of Walnut Creek girl highlights strains of parental abductions and this CBS Early Show news article: Girl Gone 14 Years Found Safe; Mom Charged.
