Husband Seeks Compensation via Equitable Distribution for Wife’s Augmented Breasts

During divorce, couples fight over division / allocation of most any marital asset or liability.

Sometimes out of proportion to the value / amount of same.

Take the following North Dakota couple.

Wife had breast augmentation surgery during the marriage.

Husband’s financial affidavit (sometimes called financial disclosure or something along those lines) apparently identified the surgery as a $5,000 marital “asset”.

Husband contends that since that marital “asset” will be distributed to Wife, Husband should receive commensurate marital asset value as well.

The trial court disagreed with Husband and refused to do so.

But Husband felt strongly enough about the matter to appeal the issue to the state’s highest court.

The Supreme Court’s ruling could open up a real Pandora’s Box.

Read more in this Twin Cities [Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN] Pioneer Press article: ND high court mulls value of breast implants in divorce case.
