Another Florida teacher in the news…
Southwest Florida Husband and Wife have two young children together, two and four years old. The four year old has autism.
Husband and Wife are going through a divorce.
Wife is a special education instructor in an elementary school.
Wife undergoes a psychological evaluation. And is ordered to complete an anger management course and parenting classes.
A truck driver finds the older child wandering the streets, dressed in pajamas.
The Department of Children & Families (DCF) removes both children from Wife’s care.
Wife is arrested for child neglect, a felony.
Wife is suspended from teaching children and assigned to an administrative position.
The trial judge temporarily denies Wife any contact with their four year old, but allows a short weekly unsupervised visitation with their two year old.
Inappropriate and provocative images, allegedly of Wife, are posted on the internet on websites apparently owned by Wife.
Images of the couples’ children, unclothed, are also posted on the internet.
Husband contends that Wife posted the images. Wife denies the charge.
There is no solid proof that Wife posted the images. That would require a computer expert.
Husband’s attorney argues that merely posing for the images, even if she hasn’t posted them, calls Wife’s parental fitness into question.
Trial judge orders that all such images be removed from the internet.
Trial judge orders that Wife undergo a psychosexual evaluation regarding Wife’s sexual propensities.
New images are posted on the internet.
DCF approves Husband as a fit parent.
Husband obtains a domestic violence restraining order against Wife.
Father moves to northeastern Florida, with the former couple’s children, now in his care.
Wife follows.
Wife violates the order of protection by showing up at Husband’s workplace. She denies knowledge.
Trial judge considers that Wife may require more social services, pending her psychosexual evaluation.
Read more in this Marco [Island, FL] Eagle article: Judge orders psychosexual evaluation of former teacher charged with posting naked photos of her children on Web.